

Lafise Investment Management (LIM) is the Fund manager that is responsible for managing all the activities of CASEIF III. LIM is the only fund manager in the region with experience in the SME segment, and is part of the LAFISE group.

  • Necessity to Satisfy

The vast majority of regional SMEs do not have many options to finance their growth. They often use short-medium term debt requiring real collaterals, which produces high leverage and reduces the ability to use their cash flows to finance further growth. Besides, they do not easily find institutions eager to assume the inherent risk of being a young enterprise. CASEIF III will satisfy this need by providing long term capital to SMEs in accordance to their payment capacity and to the intrinsic risk of young SMEs.

  • Fund Size

CASEIF III has an Initial closing commitment of US$38.75 million and an authorized capital of US$ 60 million to provide equity and quasi-equity capital to small and medium enterprises to help them fund new projects or products, to increase their capacity, to explore new export markets, and to support their growth. 

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